Fernando Vásquez is an electronics engineer and software developer currently based in the world. He occasionally blogs about Python and Android programming.

Rewriting Git History

Rewriting Git History

https://backlog.com/git-tutorial/rewriting-history/#git-merge-squash https://thoughtbot.com/blog/git-interactive-rebase-squash-amend-rewriting-history


  • Change comment
git commit --amend
  • Change files (add/delete/edit)
git add README.md config/routes.rb
git rm notes.txt
git commit --amend
  • change author
git commit --amend --author="Tute Costa and Dan Croak <[email protected]>"

Interactive Rebase

  • change the last 4 commits
git rebase -i HEAD~4

Squash commits together

  • Rebase on top of master
git remote add upstream  https://github.com/thoughtbot/factory_girl.git
git fetch upstream 
git checkout feature
git rebase upstream/master
git push --force origin feature

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