Fernando Vásquez is an electronics engineer and software developer currently based in the world. He occasionally blogs about Python and Android programming.

git remote

Git Remote Basics and Merge Remote

git remote -v
git remote rm __REPO__
  • Add external (remote) repo with name __NAME__
git remote add __NAME__ __REPO__

By convention, “origin” is the original remote repository, it is the primary centralized repository as well.

git remote show origin       # show repo URL

Merge remotes

git clone __REPO1__
git remote add __MAIN__ __REPO2__ 
git fetch __MAIN__
git checkout -b master __REPO2__/master
git checkout master


  • merge mainStreamMaster to your master,
  • OR rebase your master on top of mainStreamMaster (in order to integrate the full history of mainStreamMaster into your master branch) then make some evolutions to master (or to a topic-specific branch) that you can push to yourRemoteRepo.

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