Fernando Vásquez is an electronics engineer and software developer currently based in the world. He occasionally blogs about Python and Android programming.

Pentaho CLI

Execute Transformations: Pan

pan.sh -option=value arg1 arg2
pan.bat /option: value arg1 arg2
rep		Enterprise or database repository name, if you are using one
user	Repository username
pass	Repository password
trans	The name of the transformation to launch
dir		The repository directory that contains the transformation, including the leading slash
file	If you are calling a local KTR file, including the path if it is not in the local directory
level	The logging level (Basic, Detailed, Debug, Rowlevel, Error, Nothing)
logfile	A local filename to write log output to
listdir	Lists the directories in the specified repository
listtrans	Lists the transformations in the specified repository directory
listrep	Lists the available repositories
exprep	Exports all repository objects to one XML file
norep	Prevents Pan from logging into a repository. If you have set the KETTLE_REPOSITORY, KETTLE_USER, and KETTLE_PASSWORD environment variables, then this option will enable you to prevent Pan from logging into the specified repository, assuming you would like to execute a local KTR file instead.
safemode	Runs in safe mode, which enables extra checking
version	Shows the version, revision, and build date
param	Set a named parameter in a name=value format. For example: -param:FOO=bar
listparam	List information about the defined named parameters in the specified transformation.
maxloglines	The maximum number of log lines that are kept internally by PDI. Set to 0 to keep all rows (default)
maxlogtimeout	The maximum age (in minutes) of a log line while being kept internally by PDI. Set to 0 to keep all rows indefinitely (default)
sh pan.sh -rep=initech_pdi_repo -user=pgibbons -pass=lumburghsux -trans=TPS_reports_2011
pan.bat /rep:initech_pdi_repo /user:pgibbons /pass:lumburghsux /trans:TPS_reports_2011
Status code	Definition
0	The transformation ran without a problem.
1	Errors occurred during processing
2	An unexpected error occurred during loading / running of the transformation
3	Unable to prepare and initialize this transformation
7	The transformation couldn't be loaded from XML or the Repository
8	Error loading steps or plugins (error in loading one of the plugins mostly)
9	Command line usage printing


  • for executing jobs.


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