Fernando Vásquez is an electronics engineer and software developer currently based in the world. He occasionally blogs about Python and Android programming.

Pycharm Shortcuts


  • Alt + F1 : focus

File management

  • Ctrl + E : Recent Files
  • Ctrl + Shift + N : Open any file quickly
  • Ctrl + Shift + C : Copy Path
  • Ctrl + G Line
  • Alt + / : To jump from one member to the next (or previous)
  • Ctrl + Shift + Backspace : Last edit location
  • Ctrl + Shift + -> : Next location
  • Ctrl + Shift + <- : Previous location

Code Navigation

  • F2 Next error
  • Ctrl + N Navigate to Class
  • Alt + F7 Usages
  • Ctrl + F12 Show all the members of current type
  • Ctrl + G : Goto line number
  • Ctrl + U : Goto to super method


  • Shift + F8 : Step Out
  • F7 : in (Alt + Shift + F7)
  • F8 : next

  • Alt + F10 : Current
  • Alt + F9 : Cursor
  • Alt + F8 : Evaluate expression

Shift + F9 Debug Shift + F10 Run F7 Step Into F8 Step Over Shift + F8 Step Out F9 Resume Ctrl + F8 : Add breackpoint


Shift + F6 Rename in place Ctrl + Alt + L Format code Ctrl + F6 Change signature Alt + Enter Quick fix

Ctrl + Y Delete line Ctrl + D Duplicate line

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